1. 08 September 2016 Why you need a CSS component library Why the additional effort of building and maintaining a live library of CSS components will benefit you and your team
  2. 01 July 2016 Taking back control of SASS colour variables In SASS, lists of semi-meaningless words that somehow represent colours isn't going to make anyone's life easier. Let's try to find a better approach.
  3. 12 October 2014 (Over)thinking about custom elements or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Web Component
  4. 04 March 2014 Do we still need Progressive Enhancement in web apps? In a world of amazing JS apps providing new interfaces and enhanced experiences, do the old rules of supporting legacy browsers still apply?
  5. 04 June 2013 Generating, Adding, and Using Multiple SSH keys Creating multiple SSH keys for fun and profit
  6. 02 June 2013 SSH keys, spying, and such How do SSH keys work, and what do they do?
  7. 14 March 2013 Cape Town Front End Developer meetup 'Creating Maintainable CSS'
  8. 10 January 2013 Pointless carousels can burn in hell
  9. 19 December 2012 Flickr's new iOS app made me fall in love with the service again
  10. 03 December 2012 That Zuckerberg HTML5 Quote
  11. 20 November 2012 Native vs Cross-platform for mobile development